Once again GHS Football and Shield Bearers teamed up to serve our community. On Thursday, May 16th, our young Spartans went to the Gonzales Cemetery after a wet Spring practice to help set up flag poles around the location.
Over a week later on Memorial Day evening we showed up at the cemetery again to take down the flags and poles. To some it may be a hassle and an interruption to their BBQ, but to us it was a small way to honor the people who have served our country and sacrificed all.
It’s more meaningful as each flag has the name of a local Gonzales veteran on it. We know each flag directly represents someone who was willing to give everything for us to enjoy our way of life.
It’s easy to forget the meaning of the holiday, and this is just a small way to be grateful to the people in our community who have served. To see all the names on the memorial and on the flags puts things in perspective for our young Spartans.
God Bless America and Go Big G!!