Shield Bearers once again teamed up with the GHS Football Team and helped clean up the yard and haul away trash for a Disabled Veteran of Gonzales.
Mr. and Mrs. Martinez, are long time residents of Gonzales. Ramona Martinez was at one time a school nurse for GUSD and Angel Martinez served in the Navy, and they are both involved with the American Legion Hall in Gonzales.
We heard they needed help cleaning up their yard, so we took advantage of the bye week on Sept 15 for the varsity football team and rallied together to help clean up. We felt that helping a disabled veteran is a great way for our kids to stay humble and serve their community.
After the garbage was hauled away the Martinez’s were gracious enough to buy pizza and pepsi for us! Thanks for feeding us, and thanks for letting us do our part to serve the community of Gonzales!
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