Flag Football Playoffs 2018 (week 6)

KA-POW! BANG! WHAM! The Shield Bearers Flag Football League’s 2018 inaugural season came to an end and it ended the way it started, with multiple explosions of emotion!
If you aren’t caught up on the results of week 1 of the playoffs, please read our summary or have a look at what reporters from the Gonzales Tribune wrote up.

The tension was high in week 6 as no one wanted to lose their last game of the season. There were medals to be won, seasons to be salvaged, and pride to be saved.


In the mini’s division, the consolation game kicked off with two win-less teams squaring off, Packers vs the Bengals. In what amounted to an explosion of Offense, the Bengals took their first victory of the season 44 – 26. The Packers went down swinging, unleashing their highest point total of the season. The Bengals can now walk away with peace of mind knowing they found the winning formula to hunt and catch future wins.

In the 3rd place games two formerly unbeaten Giants squared off in hopes of salvaging their season with a bronze medal. The Ravens had only lost 1 game by 1 point, and the Bears high flying offense was leading the league at one point in the season. Both teams were unbeaten into the middle of the season and both had a statement to make as they looked to this game.
The Ravens Defense proved too stingy as they overpowered the Bears lost 47 – 12. With the win, the Raven’s earned a Bronze medal and bragging rights until next year.

In the grand finale of the Mini’s division, the high flying offense of the Falcons set it’s site on the blue chip, “no I in team” Vikings. The game was a battle of defense at first, followed by a flurry of offensive strikes with the score 19 – 12 at halftime. In the end, the Falcons offense proved to be too much as the Vikings were downed 40 – 20.

The Vikings’s efforts earned them the Silver medal and respect from their peers as they provided a blueprint for teamwork and execution.
The Falcons on the other hand flew off with the Gold showing that sometimes you need a little razzle with your dazzle.


In the Juniors division the Jaguars were looking to right the ship and end their season with a win versus the Texans. The Texans lost a couple of close games and looked to re-establish their reputation with a win. The Jaguars Defense pounced on ball carriers, leaving a carnage of flags in their path. But the Texan’s will was too strong as they domesticated the Jaguars, 24-12.

The Texan’s win re-established their place among the winners and a Bronze Medal to hang on their wall!
While the Jaguars went win less no one can deny their tenacity and “never give up” attitude.

The Championship game was full of tension. The sidelines were hostile, the players were focused, it was like a room full of fireworks and the ref lit the match with the first whistle. The Titans showed why they were undefeated by putting up 8 points on the board. The Saints showed their mettle and put their offensive might on display by countering with their own score.
The pendelum swung back and forth and finally stayed on the Titans side, as they won the game 28 – 12.

The Saints were right behind the Titans in dominance, having lost only to the Titans all season long. The Saints can hold their heads high knowing that the Silver medal they received was well deserved.

The Titans were a well oiled machine of precision engineering, built to win football games. Winning football games is exactly what they did all season long, earning them the Gold and an undefeated season!

Congrats to all the teams on a well played season, we can’t wait to see what next year brings!

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