With the GHS Football season over, we now have time to breathe and reflect on the season. The team went 7-3 despite being in a tougher division than last year with a preseason that contained a league champion and 3 higher division teams! Playoffs selection didn’t go our way, but we have much to be proud of for our team!

Behind the scenes, ShieldBearers was there every step of the way providing support to the team and coaches in every way we could. Some of the things we did this season includes:
- replaced much needed equipment such as Balls, Tees, and wrist bands
- replaced missing Jerseys and added name patches
- provided coaches with Spirit Packs
- provided pregame snacks
- provided postgame warm meals
- replaced Video Equipment that was lost by the team >:(
- purchased a much needed End Zone Camera
- Donated $10,000 to the High School account to be used for transportation, player Spirit Packs, HUDL and other costs!
None of this is possible without the support of the #BigGCommunity and the volunteers behind Shield Bearers. Together with the School administration, we’re able to support our young Spartans as they represent our small town and make their experience as memorable as possible.