It’s been 2 Seasons since the Covid shut us down and we are still recovering from it. Unfortunately we lost the momentum we had built and Shield Bearers had to start over for donation efforts.
Our active membership fell to Five, and we lost our President as he transitioned into his new role as Head Coach of GHS Football.
At times like these, you have to reflect on why we are here, and we looked into the eyes of our Spartan Football Team as they lined up to practice and got the drive we needed!

In the 2021 and 2022 seasons we had a new addition as President and we have raised and spent over $58600 on our Spartans!
We’ve bought Helmets, Shoulder Pads, replaced Jerseys, given Spirit Packs, bought coach uniforms, paid for online services needed for video storage, subsidized Senior Jersey’s, and served over 1500 plates of Food in support of our Spartans.
It used to be that the Spartans would tell those leaving for battle, “Come back with this shield or on it”.
Our response has been an overwhelming “SHIELDS UP!”